ADCG Nuclear Consultancy Group
ADCG Nuclear Consultancy Group
Expertise you can count on
With access to over 3,000 professionals experienced in all aspects of Nuclear-Powered Submarines
Expertise you can count on
With access to over 3,000 professionals experienced in all aspects of Nuclear-Powered Submarines

Our Services
As one of Australia’s few nuclear consultancy services, ADCG’s Nuclear Consultancy Group (NCG) offers a range of services tailored to the needs of the nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) industry, whether for regulatory compliance, operational efficiency, safety, or nuclear maintenance and sustainment.
- With the passing of the ANNPS Bill 2024, we provide guidance to organisations required to implement the ‘Regulators’ new nuclear safety standards.
- We offer safety case development services and ensure companies can understand and mitigate the risks related to NPS operations, such as radiation exposure, nuclear accidents, and environmental hazards.
- We provide expertise in developing NPS emergency response plans, ensuring companies are prepared for incidents, including radiation leaks or accidents onboard, and in supporting maintenance or submarine construction facilities.
- We develop employee training programs on nuclear safety, radiation protection, and operational best practices to ensure compliance with local regulations and international safety standards.
- With Australia’s adoption of nuclear propulsion technology, we provide consultancy services for companies that manage operational nuclear waste.
- Given that NPS will be built and operated in Australia and the sensitivity of nuclear energy in Australia, we consult on public communication strategies, including preparing informational materials, managing public perceptions, and engaging with local communities.
Our Services
We offer a variety of services tailored to client needs.
- Defence and Government Ready Nuclear-Powered Submarine Advisory Teams
- Access to Nuclear Trainers and Operators able to integrate into your team
- Delivery of Nuclear Submarine Waterfront Services and Infrastructure
- Delivery of Nuclear-Powered Submarine Education and Training
- Access to the US Nuclear Supply Chain
NCG Appearances
Our Nuclear Subject Matter Expert, Giles Evans, recently appeared as a guest on the Australian Defence Magazine podcast to discuss the steps that need to be taken for Australia to acquire nuclear capable submarines. Take a listen below, or find the article with more links here:

NCG can help you meet the challenges of AUKUS Pillar One by providing access to key talent, capital and companies across the UK and US nuclear ecosystems.
- Unmatched access to exceptional talent, inspired by AUKUS, attracted to Australia
- Independent, objective expertise and experience
- Seasoned experienced operators of depth to senior executive leaders with the knowledge, skills and experience Australia needs now
- Practical experience of how nuclear-powered submarines and conventional submarine waterfront support is delivered
- Strategically positioned with optimal teaming partners
- Ability to deploy significant capital in support of AUKUS Pillar One infrastructure opportunities
NCG can help you meet the challenges of AUKUS Pillar One by providing access to key talent, capital and companies across the UK and US nuclear ecosystems.
- Unmatched access to exceptional talent, inspired by AUKUS, attracted to Australia
- Independent, objective expertise and experience
- Seasoned experienced operators of depth to senior executive leaders with the knowledge, skills and experience Australia needs now
- Practical experience of how nuclear-powered submarines and conventional submarine waterfront support is delivered
- Strategically positioned with optimal teaming partners
- Ability to deploy significant capital in support of AUKUS Pillar One infrastructure opportunities
Nuclear Qualified Operators
NCG has access to a nuclear-power community talent pool of over 3,000 personnel. These highly educated and skilled nuclear professionals are ready to assist Australian organisations become ‘Sovereign Ready’ and deliver on AUKUS Pillar One goals.
Equity Investment
NCG has a partnered with a strategically positioned US private investment and advisory firm which is focused on unique acquisition and growth opportunities in the nuclear, critical infrastructure and clean energy sectors. ADCG is proud to partner with the experts to bring nuclear know how to Australia in support of AUKUS Pillar One and an Australian civil nuclear power industry.
Collaborative Partners
NCG has brought together several organisations in Academia, Defence and Industry who have a similar drive and passion to support Australia becoming a nuclear-powered submarine operating nation. Join our experienced and collaborative team as we come together to deliver this capability.
Nuclear Powered Submarine Masterclasses

The nuclear-powered submarine (NPS) masterclasses contain propriety information that allows participants to return to their workplace with an enhanced understanding of NPS. They highlight key NPS tenets and equip you with the knowledge to ask searching questions and asses the optimum pathway. It explains how to better prepare yourself, or your organisation, for the introduction of Australian NPS. Learn from an ex-nuclear submariner about how they operate, the operational differences between nuclear and conventional submarines, new terminology and understand what it means, and how to achieve a social licence to operate them.

The NPS masterclasses also provide you with a deep dive into the supporting ecosystem behind NPS operations. It explains how building, operating, and sustaining them will be integrated in an Australian context. Learn about Australia’s existing nuclear foundations, the global rules and regulations already in force, how to upskill the Australian workforce, and how nuclear safety and security are applied to support NPS operations.
Tailored courses can be provided to meet your key industry needs. All courses come with comprehensive course brochures for you take away, with plenty of space available for you to take additional notes for your future reference. Contact us with your requirements today.

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